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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2022

6 tips to keep your hands beautiful even though you have to do housework every day

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Always wear gloves when doing housework Frequent direct contact with chemicals in washing powder, dishwashing liquid… will make your hands dry and cracked. Therefore, you should always wear gloves when doing housework. Remember, never choose soft and tight gloves, which will only make it harder for you to work. Choose a type with spikes on your fingers and not too tight, it is both a good assistant for you in housework, and good protection for your hands from chemicals in cleaning water. Always wear gloves when doing housework Wipe the kitchen with tissue It sounds hard to believe, but did you know that if you use a kitchen towel, you not only waste time washing the towel, but also can make your hands sticky with chemicals in the washing water. Not to mention, the continuous wringing of towels to dry can make your beautiful hands swell. So, go to the market to buy cheap tissue paper to wipe the grease stains on the stove, pots and pans when cooking. After using, you can ...

Instructions on 5 ways to make simple and beautiful handmade lanterns for children to play Mid-Autumn Festival

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1 How to make sparkling glass lanterns Preparation materials: Glass jar. Luminous paint powder. Brush, water. Doing Step 1: First, you add water to the luminous color and stir continuously so that the color is both thick and has high stickiness. Step 2: Use a brush to dip into the luminous color you just mixed and dip each dot into the glass jar so that the dots are not too far apart. Step 3: Bring the glass jar to the sun or use a yellow light bulb to dry the color . Step 4: After the color is dried, the lantern will glow in the dark and the result is as shown below. 2 How to make lanterns from beer cans Preparation ingredients 1 can of beer. 1 ruler, 1 pen. 1 tree . 1 paper cutter. Candle Doing Step 1: First, you proceed to remove the lid of the can. You can use sandpaper to scrape the lid of a beer can or you can use large scissors to cut the mouth of the can . Step 2: Put the beer can down and put the ruler on the beer...

Tips for handling fruit sap, fruit latex quickly and simply

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1 Remove jackfruit sap Jackfruit sap, also known as jackfruit latex, will stick on your knife when you cut jackfruit. If not removed cleanly, this jackfruit plastic gets stuck on the knife not only making the knife dirty but also making it difficult to cut food. To clean the knife, you just need to use a little cooking oil on a towel , and wipe the knife, then rinse with clean water. If jackfruit sap accidentally gets on your clothes, just use half a lemon, then rub it on the affected area, then rub it with the solution and rinse it off several times with cold water. You can also rub your hands into the rice before cutting jackfruit and after eating jackfruit, then wash your hands with warm water. This way also helps you significantly reduce the stickiness of jackfruit resin. In addition, you can also use kerosene to remove the jackfruit latex from your hands. 2 Remove sapodilla resin To remove sapodilla stains, you just need to prepare a lemon , then rub it on the ...